Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Calico Corners Closing...C...C...C...

You can thank me later. This is really just a public service announcement.

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you know my *hatred* for Calico Corners, and their ultra high prices, yet deliciously delicious fabric. {NEWMAN!}
Anyway, this will only affect you if you live in the Northern-Eastside-of-Seattle-Washington-area.
The Mill Creek store is going out of business and all their inventory is 30% or MORE off until 11/18. Yeah!!!! The Witch is dead, the Wicked Witch is dead.
Now, I'm not happy that they're closing, because now I will have to travel upwards of 30 minutes south to Bellevue to continue this love-hate relationship that I have. However, I will be scoring some awesome fabric for our house, on Calico's dime, and that makes me very happy.
Announcement complete. You may resume your previous activity.

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