Saturday, December 3, 2011

Favorite Thing #4: Anthropologie Revisted

Just had to show an idea that I saw at Anthropologie the other day.....

Stop it. So easy.

In case you're having trouble seeing what in the world I'm showing, its a mason jar (cheap) with a little tree/snow scene glued to the lid (easy), next to a salt shaker (readily available) with epsom salts and a little tree inside. Ok, so guess how much the mason jar was on sale for?


 Snap! How much would that cost to make. Uh, like less than $5. And that includes the gas it would take to drive to Michael's or Hob Lob or wherever to buy the little tree and jar. No. I'm going to be whipping up a few of these puppies myself.

Fave DIY of the season!

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